Try Again

Granted, life can be frustrating. Perhaps the goal we hoped to reach by now is nowhere in view. Our dream not realized. That intimidating task, incomplete.

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May you find encouragement, like I did, in a fishing story found in John 21. The scene occurs after Jesus’ resurrection. The disciples appear in a quandary as to what to do next.

Peter decides to go fishing and others join him. “So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing” (John 21:3b). Talk about frustrating! At least four of these guys had been career fishermen.

From the shoreline, they hear the dreaded question, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” (Jn. 21:5). So now add a dose of humiliation to frustration.

Then the wise guy on shore offers unsolicited advice. “‘Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’ When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish” (Jn. 21:6).

You guessed it. The “wise guy” was Jesus encouraging His children to try again because He was about to provide an abundant blessing. Look again at the promise at the end of verse 6. “Throw out your net . . . and you will find some.”

Notice, the fishermen had to do their part before God did His. They had to “throw out” AGAIN in the midst of humiliation and hopelessness. They had to throw out that net one more time, even though they had already fished all night long.

Let’s not give up, dear brother and sister. God is with us. He has a plan and will provide. May we keep up the good work and leave the timing of our “haul” to Him.

About Arrow

Hi and welcome! My pen name is Arrow. The word “arrow” intrigues me because it has two meanings that describe my passions. One, it is an instrument used intentionally to reach a target, and two, it shows the way. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, my goals are to live for Him, lead others to Him, and glorify the Heavenly Father. I pray that the stories, poems, song lyrics, and devotional thoughts I share on this website will always be inspired by the Holy Spirit and aligned with the truths found in God’s Word. My hope is that the words may penetrate your heart and point the way to a closer relationship with the Savior. I look forward to sharing my journey with you. Experiencing what God has in store is bound to be exciting! May you be blessed! ~ Arrow
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