Do Different

Most of us like to blend in, to not be the oddball or odd one out. Others thrive on sticking out, but to what end? Let see what Jesus did.

As I read John 8:1-11, a phrase jumped out, “But Jesus.” As a backdrop, in John 7 we find Jesus teaching in Jerusalem on the last day at the Feast of Tabernacles when the city is overflowing with Jews. The response of listeners varies and religious leaders send guards who unsuccessfully arrest Jesus. The chapter ends with, “Then each went to his own home” (John 7:53).

The following verse, John 8:1, says, “But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives” (my italics). Jesus knew there was trouble brewing and probably went to spend time in prayer with His Father. He didn’t go home like everyone else.

Sure enough, the following day, the religious leaders set a trap for Jesus. They brought before Him a woman caught in adultery and asked His opinion. The woman was made to stand before the group of Pharisees who were accusing and judging her.

Then we read, “But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger (John 8:6b italics mine). Twice, Jesus bent down and wrote, perhaps Scripture verses or names, something so significant that it changed the minds of the woman’s accusers who eventually turned and walked away.

Jesus was different. He didn’t stand to accuse the woman. He bent down low, encouraging her to leave her life of sin. Jesus was known for speaking and responding unlike others.

Likewise, our habits, responses, and the way we spend our time should be different from the world.

Imagine your own story. Today, others are (fill in the action or description), BUT (your name) (fill in your different action/description). Let’s be okay with being and doing different.

Do it all for the kingdom of God.

About Arrow

Hi and welcome! My pen name is Arrow. The word “arrow” intrigues me because it has two meanings that describe my passions. One, it is an instrument used intentionally to reach a target, and two, it shows the way. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, my goals are to live for Him, lead others to Him, and glorify the Heavenly Father. I pray that the stories, poems, song lyrics, and devotional thoughts I share on this website will always be inspired by the Holy Spirit and aligned with the truths found in God’s Word. My hope is that the words may penetrate your heart and point the way to a closer relationship with the Savior. I look forward to sharing my journey with you. Experiencing what God has in store is bound to be exciting! May you be blessed! ~ Arrow
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